.bk A10 .fl H624lkal.j .fd H624 .ei lka .ed H624 .ri fab .rd H623 f 56 5 gv corbled grave .ri lka f 57 nd This feature number was canceled, in favor of making a1 (possible grave). Previously had referred to the large stones and sherds next to Southern baulk of k2. 58 2 a below f50,51. f 58 =l f71 59 5 a around the tomb, below f36. 60 7 p3 stones in a1: 210 cm from south baulk, 140 from N. 61 7 a accum in baulk under stones, in grave. 62 2 a under old f71. 63 7 a under old f58. 64 7 bk large red lumpy bricks circumscribing f60,61,65 65 7 bk white bricks of burial a1, containing f61 .rd H624 66 4 a3 in SE corner, no sherds: abandonment accum. 67 3 a scattered occupation, W half of k3. 68 1 a same as f66; accum around and on top of curious bricks. 69 7 a ringed by bricks f64, outside inner bricks f65. 70 4 wa includes all visible wall chunk in k1 71 7 a equals f58, k2. a 1 2 bu a 1 ds goes southward into western baulk. >a f60,f61,f64,f65. i 18 50 2 59 fg 19 27 5 58 pn 20 69 7 76 fg .ri fab q 36.1 ca 3.5 4 2 4 .ri lka 62.1 ca 62.2 h 64.1 bd li 66.1 ca .rd H623 58 pb 27 5 59 pb 50 2 60 pb 13 5 61 pb 57 2 62 pb 58 7 63 lh 36 5 64 p 59 5 65 p 50 2 66 i 61 2 .ri gg .rd H624 67 p 63 6 68 pb 62 7 69 pl 59 5 70 p 66 4 71 p 67 3 72 p 62 7 73 p 66 4 74 pb 66 4 75 plb 59 5 76 p 69 7 77 pb 61 7 .ri lka 70.1 si 70.2 fg 73.1 li 70.3 ma 70.4 ca 72.1 ca 69.1 li 69.2 li